New Developer Framework Support: Titanium

As part of our goal to make it even easier for developers to adopt Urban Airship Engage, we are pleased to announce support for another key app development framework: Appcelerator Titanium.

Companies rely on developer frameworks that target iOS and Android to lower the effort to build apps. They can accelerate app development and lower costs by reducing the amount of code necessary to build a mobile app, and eliminating the need to build and maintain separate native apps for each platform. Frameworks also take on the significant burden of bug fixing and keeping up with updates to mobile OS versions.

We now have support for four of the top frameworks, including PhoneGap, Unity, Xamarin and Titanium.

Developer Framework Use Cases

We see many customers successfully using development frameworks in a variety of ways. Some customers use frameworks for the first version of their app, and after gathering feedback they go on to build subsequent generations of the app in native code. This allows them to iterate rapidly to the point where they feel they can commit to a certain direction. Other customers have found that frameworks support their current app use cases well into the future.

Urban Airship provides bindings or plugins for each of these frameworks, open source access to framework code and full documentation.

Additional Resources For Developers

Here are the developer docs for Titanium support. To learn more about our support for Xamarin, PhoneGap and Unity, as well as links to the associated documentation, check out this blog post. We’re excited to watch the market develop as these and other frameworks continue to mature.