
In-App Automation Behind the Scenes: A Product Walkthrough

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Earlier this month, Urban Airship announced the industry-first solution for in-app messaging automation. Previously, server-side automation logic resulted in delayed message delivery, often delivering the message too late after user context had already changed.

With Urban Airship’s new in-app automation engine, brands can create rich, interactive in-app messages that instantly display based on customers’ multiple behavioral and lifecycle events with automation logic included in the app itself. This ensures messages are seen in the exact moment that matters most to each individual — in-session, in-context and on specific screens.

You are invited to join Solutions Engineer Megan Barry for a live walkthrough of Urban Airship’s in-app automation.

In the webinar, you will:

  • See how in-app automation can be used to create personalized experiences for customers during their moment of peak engagement with your brand.
  • Learn about exciting new use cases that enable true in-the-moment messaging.
  • Get a full walkthrough of Urban Airship’s in-app automation solution.
  • See live use cases for increasing signups, sign ins, and app retention.
  • Engage our solutions engineer in a Q&A session and ask your burning questions about in-app automation.